People prefer Customer Service via Chatbot



This fact and the additional features available in chatbots make them one of the most effective customer service solutions.

First, they are accessible to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. For organizations, this means they can save money and keep only the essential amount of human reps on staff while also being able to laud their customer service accessibility. For customers, the ability to have their questions or concerns answered anytime, anywhere is a priceless feature: Continue reading People prefer Customer Service via Chatbot

Automation challenges

When speaking to our clients, all of them deal with different automation challenges. But in the end, they can be categorized and grouped.

1. Implement the right solution

Companies are being approached on a daily basis by software vendors with great solutions that should solve all their business issues. It comes with many features out-of-box, great flexibility, and support. So what’s wrong? Continue reading Automation challenges