Category: Agile
Let’s meet the Scrum Team
In this article we would like to bring more details about the character and profile of the scrum team. The Scrum team are sometimes referred to as the delivery or development team.
The Scrum team has three roles such as: product owner, scrum master and development team. It might happen that one person has assigned different roles with the team; however, it is not recommended. Continue reading Let’s meet the Scrum Team
Benefits of Agile
Agile is very popular word and methodology these days. However, in many cases it is not well understood. Agile or Agility is the way how we will react to the changing environment, in other words agile is about adaptiveness. It brings us many positive benefits.
In this article we would like to go through them.
About Agile
Agile is continuous journey during which you will listen, repeat, learn and improve. Agile is a powerful methodology with strong sense for adaptiveness. Live by values and principles – openness, respect, courage, empathy and trust. Be curious and start your Adventure to Agile Culture. Continue reading About Agile