Error handling in Powershell

Hey there!

I have recently played around with an error handling, also using functions.

You can explicitly define the behaviour of the script and how it should handle errors using an $ErrorActionPreference variable. You will typically set it to either of following: Continue reading Error handling in Powershell

How to disable SMB v1 using Powershell

Hey guys,

long time no see!

As you may be aware, there has been some malware activities within last few days and your Windows environments could be affected as well. One of the recommendations is to disable SMB v1 protocol and here’s how to do it using Powershell. Continue reading How to disable SMB v1 using Powershell

Using Powershell v4.0 in your Orchestrator environment

Hey there!

I knew about this quite some time already, but never had time and apettite to do this change. Finally today I decided to use Powershell v4.0 in my Orchestrator dev environment in order to use all its wonderful features.

Continue reading Using Powershell v4.0 in your Orchestrator environment