I’ve got another quickie for you. Have you ever wondered how can you find the KMS server within your Active Directory domain? Continue reading Find KMS server within DNS
I’ve got another quickie for you. Have you ever wondered how can you find the KMS server within your Active Directory domain? Continue reading Find KMS server within DNS
Hello again!
This time I’d like to spend a moment on many times asked question, how to convert time in Powershell. Continue reading Convert time to UTC in Powershell
Hey there!
Ok, this will be a first technical oriented post on this blog and it will be related to DreamFactory deployment, because that’s what I did recently. Continue reading The ideal Dreamfactory deployment
Welcome to Robot(ICT) blog.
Why another blog?
Because I am an IT professional with wide variety of experience and I’d like to share. Yes, it’s as simple as this. One another reason could be to improve the (not only scripting) language skills :-)
As it may sounds from the name, it will be a bit more focused on automation tools, guides and issues, because that’s what I spend most time working on.
Who are the visitors of this blog?
No one specific, everyone is welcome. The posts will be related to IT administrators, programmers, architects and other IT guys.
What do you want to blog about?
Well, as said above, it will be oriented on IT automation and everything related to it. But I’d like this to be a place where I (we) can share some of the issues I (we) managed to solve, some interesting solutions, opinions, scripts, guides or just news not only related to automation.
If everything goes fine, I’d love to post at least twice a week.
And because it’s still sunny outside, that’s it for today.
Have a nice day!
Robot(ICT) guy